26 October 2006

Jack-o-lantern told to give urine sample

An 200lb-jack-o-lantern has been asked to provide a urine sample by the International Federation of Jack-o-Lanterns, throwing into doubt its participation in Halloween events on October 31.

Officials were alerted to the pumpkin's size after an informant saw a post on this blog entitled "Pumpkin on steriods." The informant reported it to the federation.

If the urine sample comes back positive, this jack-o-lantern may face disqualification from Tuesday night's events.

The jack-o-lantern has made no comment, but the jack-o-lantern's lawyer has given a statement that the jack-o-lantern has "never knowingly" taken drugs to enhance its size, weight or scariness.

The typist who posted the pumpkin-on-steriods piece said that the words "on steriods" were deployed to accentuate its abnormal size and were not meant to imply any illegal drug taking activity.

"I was taken out of context," the typist said. "I hope the anonymous informant will be happy if the little trick or treaters are deprived the thrill of seeing this spectacular jack-o-lantern on Halloween night."

The large gourd was transformed into a jack-o-lantern after a spot of messy surgery in the driveway. The jack-o-lantern is reported to be doing well and looking forward clearing its name before halloween night.