20 December 2006

Isn't it great to be a man Part IV

Here are the final reasons why it's great to be a man:

- You can play with toys all your life.
- Your belly hides your big hips.
- No one gives you a hard time about your VPL
- You can wear horrible, dated clothes and not be judged for it
- One wallet, one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons.
- You can wear shorts no matter how bad your legs look.
- You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
- The hairdresser charges you less even if the cut the same as a woman's
- You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
- You enjoy a bit of sexual harassment every now and then
- You can only have to do Christmas shopping for your wife, girlfriend, mother (sometimes all three at once!)
- you leave your Christmas shopping until 24th December and then have dutiful female sales clerks doting over you and making the decisions for you
- you get to drink the bourbon left for Santa on Christmas Eve.

No wonder you're so happy, men.