25 October 2006

Pumpkin on steriods

This 200 lb+ pumpkin-on-steriods appeared unceremoniously on the front step of this typist's house a couple of weeks ago. (See the beer bottle to the right to get an idea of its size.)

It arrived with no prior warning, no calling card or previous invitation to drop around sometime for a nice cup of tea.

I "ooohed" and "ahhhhhed" and said "what on earth are we going to do with you?" And the pumpkin-on-steriods just sat there and looked up at me as if to say: "I'm a pumpkin. It's halloween. Don't make me have to tell you what to do with me."

So, let the carving begin. Stay tuned for the transformation to jack-o-lantern-on-steriods.