11 January 2007

Dick on birthdays

This comment from our Dick was too good to be buried in the comments. He always raises the tone of our discussions, and this, I find, keeps the Yard Apes in their place.

Why is it called a birthday anyway? It is
the anniversary of your birthday,
thus the French "anniversaire". We
only have one birthday, unless you want to
count 'born again' Christians.

When people congratulate you on your birth
anniversary, are they really congratulating your parents on a successful reproduction, or are they congratulating you for having survived as long as you have?

If it is the latter, it would only seem appropriate to offer
congrats at an age where the individual has a more self determined path (after you move out of the house?). If it is the former, it hardly seems appropriate congratulate someone else via their spawn simply because they
can reproduce. Maybe we are congratulating people for looking younger than they are (which I'm sure is the
case with GT).

Again, how can this apply to a five year old? I wish that all of your daysare happy. Let's not discuss your parents presumably nocturnal habits.