06 January 2007

Manifesto of feline ownership Part I

Here is a response that Slack Woman received after warning the prime minister of Canada about the dangers of feline ownership. It came from Thomas J. Baglin who was kind enough to share his insights after 17 years of feline ownership. Today's post is the first in a series:

#1: Is the cat female? Neutered?

#2: Is the cat young, and UN-neutered?

Although these questions seem "double speak," they are not. The unifying question is age, and maternal condition. When my cat was young, and un-neutered, she was all about getting pregnant, which she did, at the age of LESS THAN six months.

When she was first brought home, she wanted OUT, and was all about escape plans, and opportunities. Try as we might her desire won out, and she was gone for about three days.

And yes, she met her love of the "one-night stand variety," and the promptly showed back at my door wanting admittance. She was soon fixed as to such a future dalliance. Her mood simmered down into one of being the lone feline, but definitely can deal with those two canines that might be just a bit bigger, but NOT so powerful as to being lethal.

This shows challenging the limits (and establishing HER extremes of co-operation), establishing a secure haven to come back to. Being the mighty mite (she is small for a cat) she is, too tough to banish permanently.