25 January 2007

Merge words

You've heard of smog, a combination of fog and smoke, or motel, which is mobile hotel, or brunch a combo breakfast and lunch. Now, with the rise of the Internet and entertainment as major language influencers, we have more of these merge words. Here are a few this typist has noticed of late:

Brangelina - Brad and Angelina (no need for last names is there?)

Tomcat - no last names here either, but a little forced, don't you think?

Mocumentary - first made famous by Christopher Guest who produced the mother of all mocumentaries with Spinal Tap (still best in genre)

Edutainment - education masquerading as fun; fun masquerading as education, depending on whether you're a parent or a teacher.

Docudrama - fiction based on fact, or perhaps fact based on fiction

Metrosexual - metropolitan heterosexual man with fashion sense, skin products and hair styles of homosexual. Formerly known as Girly boy.

Gadar - gay and radar - ability to spot a gay

Blogosphere - a three word blend here. web + log = blog + atmospshere = blogosphere. (or Blogmos = Blog + cosmos - that one is a Gifted Typist original)

Romcom - Romantic comedy (ie Love Actually.)

Zomcom - Comedy with zombies. (This is tres niche)

Mancation - vacation for men only

Murse - Man purse

Hactivist - activists who hack computers to make to forward their cause.

Kidult entertainment - movies with double entendre for parents and kids. Shrek or Wallace and Gromit come to mind.

Any other merged words? Please comment (or plomment.)