09 January 2007

Manifesto of feline ownership II

Here is the second part of our Manifesto. Here we humans are trying to show the feline who is boss when the feline is sinking fangs into human skin or using the human leg as a tree for climbing.

A cat that likes to sink the fangs into the skin when it
feels constricted. If this happens, a flick of the middle finger at the cat's nose will work, IF one is brave enough to take full measure at the feline retaliation.

When using the human leg for a "tree" to ascend, flicking
at the fore paws in a vigorous manner for a short, intense time, proves to the cat, that jumping is required to come up and lie on the same plane as its human companion.

Cats DO ADAPT. But, they DO have be TAUGHT.

This establishes two things:

A: that the behaviour is unacceptable to the

B: That human retaliation is swift, sure, and telling. The cat is

TESTING the limits of the human’s degree of pain, and ascertaining
the style opposition the human administers